Here are examples of some of our best work throughout the years.
Frantic Learning With Pavel Koryagin
See how Joseph Hosts Content, Prepares Material, Edits Video Content and Provides Visual Aesthetics. Joseph DID NOT make the thumbnail. It is really good though, he wishes he did.
MedEvac x Knucklehead Media
See how we created the animations for the title card and speakers. We did not create the graphics directly.
Video Short Creation for The Veteran Entrepreneur Masterclass
Joseph provided the transcriptions, edited them for timing and accuracy, laid out the video format and advised on how to improve the visuals.
2d Animation for Twitch.TV Streamer
Using Adobe Animate at the time, Joseph illustrated, scored and animated these short animations.
Interview Samples from The Impactful Coaching Podcast
For full length episodes be sure to discover the Impactful Coaching Podcast on YouTube