meet Joseph, have questions

If someone’s ever called you a wizard, believe it.

Conjure.Media is a Managed Brand under Giant Enemy Company, founded and run by Joseph Ianni whose devoted his life to the creative pursuits and has over a decade’s worth of prestige Web Media expertise ranging from editing to hosting, marketing, design and writing. This about page will take you on a brief tour of Joseph’s experience both online and the rest of it.

Joseph’s earliest recorded works stand to this day at, one of the most open sites that pushed boundaries of art and expression online and is still going strong to this day. As you can see, the quality is quite crude, but the important point here is that Joseph has been at it since he was eight.

Here Joseph got his feet wet telling stories through the flash medium, may it rest in peace.

Animation became increasingly difficult to do with the mounting pressures of life and I mean, just look at this inflation!

Joseph has been holding out for the eventual overthrowing of earth’s order by our machine overlords so that we may have an even playing field in the realm of art.

Learning to illustrate, animate and convey story is just the beginning.

Joseph tried to see if he was the right fit for live comedy, primarily in standup because to try and do sketch meant getting four like-minded people to consistently meet in a room. Out of the question.

He graduated from the Humber School of Comedy in 2009 who’s written short-play was one of the six selected out of the forty submitted to be put on display for a public audience.

He wants to make it clear he’s thankful for the experience and would do it again for the hell of it. No joke, if he has that kind of F.U money he’s re-registering.

As he was pursuing podcasting amid his time in comedy, it was only natural someone would approach him about doing one on adult film. Not unlike it’s newly involved co-producer, the show lasted longer than anticipated but still not all that long.

However, to show an open mind that remains open to this day, Joseph counter-approached his friend about doing a more sex-education and lifestyle focused show, which has garnered almost 4000 downloads and you never know who needed to hear what.

Joseph went on to edit, produce and enrich podcasts for others as a profession and still does to this day. Some of the niches he’s covered include Comedy, Sports, Law, Finance, Ecommerce, Web3, Folklore, Paternity and Coaching.

He’s learned how to record content for himself and others; edit and produce professional sounding quality work in both audio and video; provide descriptions and show notes; create sound effects; design graphics as well as host content himself.

With over four hundred on-air appearances and counting, Joseph has built a reputation as a whip-wit funny entertainer as well as a stoic, professionally polite business-to-business content host.

You can see specific examples of his work on the Portfolio Page.

Joseph’s professional content hosting experience includes the Impactful Coaching Podcast you see to your left.

The Intelebee Podcast which you can select by clicking on the name of the show.

Startup Slang’s What it Takes Podcast… unfortunately went offline. But it was good.

Debutify Podcast… once known as Ecomonics which you can see by clicking on this whole sentence aah how do i stop this make it stop!

Joseph is no stranger to the acting world either, having worked as a Background Performer in over 100 Productions such as Shazam, Handmaid’s Tale, Cross, Reacher and Hallmark Christmas but also commercials and web ads.

Joseph has also been fortunate to work one some small film projects to help bulk out his demo reel, which you can see by clicking the image to your right. Unless you’re on your phone which to be honest my site is desktop optimized.

You can try to quit Comedy but it doesn’t quit you. Joseph has never been a big fan of social media, but has embraced the “short” video format as a great way to make good quality for only short timespans.

In addition to Joseph’s Tik Toks, he is also co-producer of The Skull Hunter Podcast later named SkullHunters, which has been a consistently funny experience.

Lastly, amid all this Joseph never mentioned his writing much, as he’s been crafting his skill all this time. But his novel will be out Spring 2025.

As far as animation goes, Joseph eventually returned to it and as of this writing is learning to use Blender.

He would use Adobe Animate Elements if such a product exists but alas, they got as far as Premiere Elements and decided it was too much of a good thing.

If you have a look at the video to your left, you will see some recent animations done with periodic collaborator Arth for his Twitch Stream.